Guideline to Completing Your Ballot

Click Here to Download a PDF Version of This Guide

As you may have heard, a revised plan of has been filed by the BSA and you have a chance to cast a
new ballot. Below describes what to anticipate in your review of the ballot.

  • Page 1 – 5: Informational Pages to read through.
  • Page 6: Includes the following for your review & selection.
    • This is for you to vote whether to “Accept” or “Reject” the Plan (see accompanying email
      for more information on the Plan).
    • Option for the $3,500 Expedited Election.
      • ONLY Select this if you wish to opt in to receive this $3,500 Expedited
        Distribution. If you wish to NOT elect this option click the orange Next button, then the orange Skip button.
  • Page 7: Information Page to read through.
  • Page 8: This includes the option to “Opt-out of 3rd Party Release”
    • Your attorneys here at the AVA Law Group recommend you SELECT this option as this could potentially allow you to hold 3rd parties accountable such as sponsoring organizations, as long as you are able to.
  • Page 9 – 16: Information Pages to read through.
  • Page 17: This includes all your information, Name, address, date of birth, signature.. etc.
    • Most of this information should already be pre-filled in for you, but please verify that the information is correct.
    • This will also be the page asking for your electronic signature, which is required in order to finish and submit your ballot.
  • Pages 18 – 22: Information Pages to read through.

After you Sign and submit it, the ballot will come to my office and my staff will file it with Omni. Please
remember all ballots must be electronically submitted by 4 pm ET on Monday, March 7, 2022.


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