Testimony from

R. Lanphier

Mr. Van Arsdale,
I'm writing this mailing to you and your associates to let you know how much I appreciate your handling and overseeing my interests in this matter with the Boy Scouts...I've been giving this situation a great deal of thought lately, and I have come to the conclusion that it really doesn't matter whether you are able to acquire some kind of dollar figure as compensation for the immoral acts that were performed on me in my younger years. What really matters is that the Boy Scouts are exposed for allowing this kind of behavior to exist within the ranks and they are held accountable for allowing it to be carried out without anyone caring enough to put a stop to it and getting rid of the people carrying out these despicable acts on young children!!
I'd like to take this time to thank you for your handling of this matter for those of us who couldn't handle it at the time it was being done to us. 

Thanks again.

R. Lanphier


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